Sometimes it can seem that what you want and where you are so far apart that life just being over seems to be the best and only solution. Right now you might be experiencing intense emotions and thoughts around the desire for everything to just stop.
If that's true, then you are on the verge of making the biggest and final decision you will ever make and you owe it to yourself - and anyone you might care about - to take just a little bit more time to check that you absolutely have no other choice.
You've probably never felt so overwhelmed or alone as you do right now. It might seem as if everything is against you and there's no point in carrying on.
If you are considering suicide, then please take the time to speak to someone about your feelings and thoughts. There's no guarantee that they will be able to solve your problems or make you life seem better - not straight away - but they will be able to listen and give you the support and guidance you need.
If you've been affected by suicide, you will without doubt be carrying so many conflicting emotions that it's hard to even draw breath some days. In amongst the grief of losing someone you love and care about, will be guilt, shame, anger - at yourself, at those you feel could have prevented it, and even at your loved one for doing this to you - and the never ending 'why?', that can't ever be fully answered even if there was a note. Talking to someone about these extremely painful feelings can go some way towards helping you to understand and begin the process of healing.